Saffron Finch Baby

Aloha Baby Bird

Introducing the newest member of our family 💫🏡

“mele mele”


means “yellow” in Hawaiian💛😍💛

She is a beautiful Saffron Finch Baby.

Most likely, they are mele male’s parents..





We really tried to give her back to the parents, but couldn’t succeed.

Look how high they make their nest !!! They are very cautious birds comparing those doves, mynas….

(If you have no idea what is the “cappuccino” meaning on the above photo, check this page.)




Day 0: Rescued + Put her in the box, waiting for her parents to find her….

One sunny day around noon, I found this super fragile newborn baby bird on our driveway.

It was obviously fallen from the nest.

She has barely moved, attacked by many ants. She looked at my eyes, opened her tiny beak as big as possible, and cried as much as possible to me.


It’s said that “Do not touch wild-birds” kind of things commonly…

I thought about it for a few sec, but what kind of people like me in the world could ignore this???

So I just listened to my instinct,

“Save this weakest creature’s life immediately “


Actually, a couple of days before this happened,

I and my husband found a dead newborn bird at the same place. It looked like it just hatched or was only one day old… absolutely no feature yet…. So we had a broken heart.

When we found her, we thought this must be the other one from the same nest. Maybe their parents made their nest too small.



I made a little nest for her, put some leaves and my fluffy sock (if it will help to keep her warm,,,) and put the box as high as possible.

Mum bird checked out once but didn’t come back again.



I checked the box around sunset time… the baby bird was alone.

I know that I will find her “cold-body” tomorrow morning if I left her there tonight.

I brought her back to my office, put her in a small plastic container, put Kleenex soft tissues as a liner… put a warm-heated pad under the plastic box, and cover it with thin cotton gauze to make sure it will keep warm air for her.

But we still thought,,, probably she can’t survive tonight….🐦



Day 1: She made it the first night and 24 hours

I wasn’t really sure if she is hurting or suffering….

I was very struggling if I did the right thing…. thought maybe I was just extending her suffering times…

But I found this video from Ms.Lisa Stewart, it really really helped me out.




I run to the pet food store near me, unfortunately, they didn’t have the baby-bird food that Lisa was feeding her bird but the store lady told me that “Fruits, like papaya..” is the good one.

So I googled it and found out the Banana is good for baby birds for temporary and yes, we have fresh local apple-banana right there in our kitchen!!!




😍 She wants to live!!!😭😭


New member 😍

🐦→💫→ 🐤

Where is she???






Timeline video of Mele Mele baby bird.


Happy weekend to you,

Aloha 🌈


  1. 「メレメレ」ちゃん 心優しいビーチハウスさんの必死の介護で元気になって良かったです。

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ありがとうございます🌸

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Beach House🐋さんの献身的な介護に対して、嬉しさの余りでしょうか・・・髪の毛を引っ張るとは(*^_^*)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for watching the timeline video too 😊🙏🏾🌛💕
      🐦is getting cuter and cuter every day, isn’t she?
      Have a wonderful evening 🌛and happy weekend.
      Aloha 🌟💤🌟

      Liked by 1 person

  2. こんにちは(^^)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. こんにちは。ありがとうございます🤗

      Liked by 2 people

  3. My Gosh i Am Astounded Dear Hawaii FRiEnD

    How Lovely An Example of Humanity You And
    Your Husband Are Taking Care of This Little

    Finch Bird Not Wanted By Its Parents

    12 Days And Counting in your

    Paradise Home With

    Aloha to Every Creature

    From Small Finch to Huge Whales
    Swimming Off Your Heaven Shores

    And It’s True A Little Bird Found Refuge

    in Between Shells on Our Porch my Wife’s

    Fear came True As the Little Bird Did Not Move

    However So Beautiful i Still Took A Picture in His

    Last Resting Place on Our Front Porch in Honor of Him

    Memorializing Him on my Blog Forevernow SMiLes Sadly

    A Human Being Was Still And Comforted in His Last Resting Place
    Today my Wife’s

    Nephew So Young
    Only 31 Years of Age

    It’s True Life Will Be Even Harder
    For A Young Man Here Who Battles Inner
    Demons That No One Can Hear And See Yet Him

    Indeed Life is A Tragic-Comedy In So Many Ways And
    Then There Are Folks Like You All That Bring Hope For


    Soul of Giving,
    Sharing, Caring, And
    Yes Healing With Your
    Love of All Nature Real

    First Step Caring For Each
    Other is Healing All of Nature Now With Love..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! What a story! I don’t usually approve interfering with wild life, but this bird got in your way for a reason. ❤️ Nobody else would have taken such good care of her. Say, is Cappuccino thinking: Look, mommy is taking care of my dinner? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🐦 The time, the place she fell… was right… otherwise… if Peppy or Cappuccino found her while I am home or somewhere else…. or those ants took her..

      haha,,, Cappuccino is so wondering what’s in that room!? But she hasn’t have a chance to look at.🐈


  5. 可愛いメレメレちゃん😍元気に育って楽しみですねー、成長がとても早くてビックリ😳素敵なお家の様子も見られて、happyです。😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. おっしゃる通り、急成長しています。

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  6. 野鳥は人間の匂いのついた子は見捨てるんだそうです😰
    だから触っちゃいけないと言うのですが😑beach houseさんが助けなければ生きられなかったでしょう🐥
    メレメレちゃんもbeach houseさんも本当によく頑張ったのですね🐥ステキです〜🥰💞


    1. こんにちは🤗
      “It’s a myth that parent birds will abandon young that have been touched by humans—most birds have a poor sense of smell,…”

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  7. If your finches are anything like the finches here in SoCal, they can lay up to 5 eggs in the nest. I’m currently watching 5 eggs in a nest a finch made under a plastic feeding pan at my house. I posted a pic awhile back. With 5 in a nest, it can get really crowded as the birds grow. Birds build nests in some not so secure places. Including hummingbirds as I find broken eggs on the ground in some strange places. Good luck with your bird. Btw… finches tend to nest in the same place, year after year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by.
      I will definitely check out your post later🐦

      Hopefully it was an accident but she might not wanted by her parents….
      I studied a little bit about their life and found out their newborn life is very very tough and sad…..

      I will update about my mele mele saffron finch in the future.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. 小さなメレメレちゃんの羽ばたく姿、愛くるしいですね!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 巣から落ちたヒナを親鳥が面倒をみるのはなかなか難しいものですよね。ひどく警戒します。






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    1. おはようございます。


      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes,I just found out that is just a myth in this time!!! Hopefully many people will know that.
      But she might not wanted by her parents….Baby birds have very severe life, aren’t they?


  10. Grazie per quello che fate in favore degli animali.
    Noi abbiamo curato l’ala di una pica…e poi ha preso il volo e se ne è andata.
    Ma siamo stati contenti per questo.
    La sua libertà è stata la gioia per noi.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Si, io le adoro.
        Ma il nostro giardino ospita diversi volatili, da quelli piccoli della zona alle upupe, alle ballerine, la gazza ladra, il picchio….in inverno il pettirosso e spesso abbiamo i pipistrelli.

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      2. I bet your garden is pretty popular for all local birds 😆💕
        I am trying to make a little sanctuary for her in my office. I am looking for nice looking tree for her now, it’s about 150cm tall… not too tall, not too small…

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Gorgeous images and the videos were wonderful to watch. Feeding the baby dove video was so enlightening! I loved the bird on her shoulder at the end.
    Your little bird looked stronger day by day. Here’s hoping it continues to get even stronger – so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes me too. Her video comforts me so much!
      I love her soft spoken way and voice and yes,
      funny parrot 🦜 too 😂
      When I found the bird, I really thought that was a baby dove since there was a dove nest right above… but I watched her video over and over,,, then started to realized that my bird looks something different especially my one opens her peak 🤣😅
      I was like who knows the difference between newborn bird and other newborn bird🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right??? they looked so similar for me as I don’t get used to see those little creatures…😆😍
        I was like “??? Hey, you are not supposed to open your beak !!!”😂
        I don’t know why, but she started to play with my hair on my head…. so today, I am wearing a bandana just like a classic cleaning lady in my office 😂😆

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  12. So cute 😍💖 I love your videos and pics! I understand your mixed feelings when you rescued the little baby bird, but you did the right thing and happily it got stronger every day 💕 It wants to live, yeah 😃 I am curious how it will learn to fly. The yellow parents look amazing. What a nice color they have. I wish you a lot more happy moments with this tiny baby bird and I wish it may thrive. Mahalo for this beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha, thank you for watching videos and pics 😍💓💓
      Your positive words cheer me up ✨💛🐦
      Actually, she is just learning how to fly. It’s totally out of control yet, so she often fell straight down after hitting the wall or wherever… But getting better and better.
      And funny thing is: she start to land on my head often recently 😂😆 and she started to pick my hair!!!
      I really don’t like it because she often poo 💩anywhere… (so far she hasn’t done it on my head….) So today, I was wearing a bandana just like a classic cleaning lady during my desk work…😂💛🐦
      mahalo for stopping by my page, aloha

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      1. This is so sweet to see 💓 Cute little thing. I love it! Oh dear, I hope she respects your head 😂 and I hope she soon learns to fly. No more hitting the ground etc.😆 Have a good week with your bird and other family 😄 Aloha 🐦🌈🐼🌊

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  13. What a wonderful gift! You are such a kind person to take care of that adorable baby bird! I hope it continues to grow strong and healthy. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha🦚🌈
      Thank you for your positive and kind message😍
      I really hope so too🐦
      She is so tiny yet but is getting to have personality already 😆
      I will post about her again💕
      Have a great week, aloha

      Liked by 1 person

  14. ガプチーノちゃん心配ですね🥺
    beach houseさんのカプチーノちゃんへの愛情はしっかり伝わっているし😺彼女は幸せだと思いますよ〜😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 以前お辛い経験を2年以上されていたのですね。。。今も病気の子が?

      BUN 数値的には110 もあるし、ステージ4で最悪で体重も減ってしまったけれど、

      zombiekong さんの猫ちゃん、どうぞお大事に。。。

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ありがとうございます😀
        私もbeach houseさんのお考えに全面的に賛成ですよ😊

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  15. Sweet, feathered angel baby. I hope the will to live is strong, and the darling survives. I appreciate your deep compassion. How can there not be more love for lives of the beautiful and innocent?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true 🌸😍🌸🐦
      She is growing, started to have vivid yellow lines the both side of the feathers and around front neck.
      So amazing to see her every day✨ 🤩🙏🏾✨


  16. A delightful post! A heartwarming story with lovely photos and video. Love your pets. They remind me of the painting “Peacable Kingdom,” in which the lamb lies down by the lamb. Good luck to your baby bird! ❤

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